Raw Urth Finishes | Copper | Hand Hammered

style shown:
hammered antique

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We normally create the Hammered Copper along with the Antique patina however, we can leave it raw as well. We simply love the Hammered Antique with the highs and lows of the hammering. It seems to really set off the texture and add so much more depth to the metal.
Although we are seeing more and more hammered material on the market, we believe ours stands out as being a little more natural in pattern and texture. We do not hand-hammer in an organized, methodical line like other companies. What’s the fun in making something hand-crafted look perfect?! We hammer organically, in random patterns. Why? Because it looks more human and in our opinion, better! We love the rivers and valleys that are created with the varying size divots that are created with the ball peen. Some hits are larger than others and even more over lay one another giving less than perfectly round hits. Once we go back in and Antique the entire surface with a hand rub back, all the detailing comes to life! Highs and lows of the metal itself and interesting patina with Copper shine and tarnished browns. Hammered Antique is a wonderfully imperfect texture and finish that really offers a natural, aged and somewhat rustic feel.
Mottling is heavy with small surface texture giving the overall piece a more subtle look and feel as all the small changes in color and texture blend as the whole.